Music created for the church.

On The Mend is a Christian band led by Adam and Jen Bell, and joined by talented musician friends.

Adam and Jen have a heart for creating and providing music that points to Jesus and the truth of His love. We primarily desire to share our original music, birthed out of our faith, with other believers. We understand that life is messy and that one doesn’t need to look far to find broken people, broken marriages, broken families, broken relationships, broken lives and broken stories.

We too have had our share of regret, shame, sadness, loss, disappointment and brokenness BUT we have also experienced the redemption of Jesus in our marriage, family and ministry. It is this redemptive hope that fuels our passion for leading people in worship to Jesus Christ.
We believe there is something powerful in singing to our Creator.
Something beyond us happens when we join voices in celebrating the goodness of Jesus!

Strongholds are broken and the internal prisons that hold people captive are suddenly opened when we make BIG the name of Jesus.
Faith comes alive, hope is rekindled and lives are changed!

We believe that worship

  • Is powerful, and can work to encourage the believer and promote a biblical world view in culture

  • Should be in alignment with biblical truth.

  • Should glorify God and Him alone!

We believe strongly that there should be unity among believers. We value our brothers and sisters who have differing opinions on various theological topics, but we unite with them under the banner of core Christian beliefs. (See our statement of faith below)

We believe in One God who is The Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit

We believe God created the world

We believe Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary

We believe Jesus humbled Himself to death and was crucified on a cross as the sacrificial Lamb of God for our sins

We believe He was buried in a tomb and He rose from the dead three days later

We believe Christ ascended to heaven and will come again one day to judge the living and the dead

We believe The Holy Spirit conforms and empowers us to live and be like Jesus

We believe God forgives those who repent and He saves us to eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ alone

We believe in the resurrection of the saints and life in the world to come

We believe the long-awaited and only Messiah is Jesus Christ the Lord. There has never been another nor will there ever be.

We believe The Bible is the Word of God